
Milk Tea Democracy

As a cat diplomat in the Milk Tea Alliance
She won’t remain quiet and has broken the silence.
She is ready for combat with the wolves on the web
And like they say in Vermont – better dead than red.

Cat warrior diplomacy emphasizes flexibility.
Facing a powerful force you need a certain agility.
Like cats who always manage to find their own places
We too can survive in small and narrow spaces.

Netizens have denounced the wolf warrior bureaucracy
We also condemn threats to Milk Tea democracy.
Big Mike says wolf warrior mentality is inappropriate
I say it’s an insult to every Canadian expatriate.

With just over 500 cases of COVID-19 in the nation
And a 50 million Taiwan-made face mask donation
Taiwan turns every crisis into an opportunity
And is a force for good in the international community.

“Glory be to thee, Hong Kong!”
With these words we sing the joyful song.
With voices raised and hearts filled with pride
We say, Hallelujah! Praise God, He’s on our side!