
Free Poetry

Should prose and poetry you love to read
Then might this rhyming verse succeed.
If in style and substance it should appeal
Then happy I’ll be to more verses reveal.

To be truly free poetry, it is bound to be free.
How true this is should be plain to see.
It can’t be shackled with charge or profit
Nor expectation of some income off it.

It’s got to be free to be called free verse
It can’t be concerned with wallet or purse.
Meeting new people and making new friends
Is where free poetry starts and happily ends.

Friends say free poetry helps break the ice
Having friends like this is really nice.
We encourage each other to enjoy what is free
And to share our free verses with all who agree.

Should you some free verse one day compose
Or with rhythm ‘n rhyme write an ode to a rose
Then you in good company shall certainly be
When on the Internet we read your free poetry.

Copyright by John Crawford, 2018 All Rights Reserved