
Imagine This

Yes, my darling, it is so true
I can only imagine how good I will feel
When I walk down the aisle with you
And our vows of love become real.

I can only imagine a Heaven above
When before the Judge we stand
Making our solemn vows of love
And putting a ring on your hand.

I can only imagine how I will feel
When in your bright eyes I shall see
Nothing but love and joy that is real
And how much you’re in love with me.

I can only imagine our ceremonial kiss
And how sweet-tasting your lips will be
When first we experience matrimonial bliss
And look forward to raising a family.

I can only imagine how happy I’ll be
When I see a big smile on your face
As you promise to always love and never leave me
And we reach out for each other’s embrace.

Copyright John Crawford 2020 All Rights Reserved